Tatiana Denisova
Limited Edition Art
Artist’s Valley
Limited Edition on Canvas
The Artist says: “I had a dream that Salvador Dali, whose work I consider my teachings, came to my house, took my hand and together we flew into the valley. He said that all the artists live here and it is called the Valley of the Artists. There was a large vessel and a line of famous artists awaiting the departure. I also queued up to get aboard and go on a voyage. However, when my turn came, Dali stopped me and said that my time had not come yet. Therefore, in the picture I depicted myself sitting with my back to the viewer, where my eye is reflected in the mirror. In this painting I portrayed Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Marc Chagall, Vincent van Gogh and Hieronymus Bosch in a white suit in the distance.”
Limited Edition on Canvas
The Artist says: “For many years it felt like I was running somewhere and could not find spiritual peace… Finally, I’ve discovered the inner calmness when I realized that I am the Nature itself and the whole Universe…. and the running stopped replaced by tranquility. Here I am at piece.” It’s important to keep balance in life and finding yourself and then the inner harmony will come.
City Of Illusions
Limited Edition on Canvas
Are you an illusion?! We are looking at a lonely Lady, who’s face is touched by concern … There are distorted buildings behind her standing precariously on sandy shores separated by the dark waters of a narrow river. The downpipe is pumping more and more sand into the scene as thoughts are running quickly through the woman’s mind filling up the space, and the key to her mind is hidden in the pipe. A little boy is not alarmed by the sands flow, as he has pages from the Book of Life spread at his feet and he is busy choosing his future life. Right past him there is a beautiful girl who is trying to fill her glass with ever-escaping wine not feeling how she loses herself to the addicting elixir. The guys behind her are pulling their dreams in the suitcase not able to turn them into a reality. In the distance the Creator is painting the Planet Earth with his magnificent brush strokes unaware of the illusional layer covering up his masterpiece. The tightrope walker is keeping his balance while bubbles of childhood dreams are floating around him coming from a little dreamer sitting on a top balcony… The boys beneath them are aiming a toy plane into the sky dreaming of the better future. Both dream bubbles and cosmic star’s light envelop the drying clothes which signify the old bodies from previous lives to be discarded during reincarnation as the souls are moving onto the new level.
Limited Edition on Canvas
This picture is about the world beyond us and about the spiritual world. “We are multidimensional” – shows us the girl with the mirrored reflections (on the left). “Our abilities are limitless” – tells us the girl who is flying in the moonlight (on the right). She is also the Artist’s architype (flying in her dreams). “Our souls are immortal” – shows us the girl with the pigeon, as she is the soul that is leaving the body to travel to infinity. “Our knowledge is bottomless” – tells us the man playing the flute as he is the Teacher who comes to the Artist at nighttime. Finally, the boy launching the ship (center) tells us: “You can build your own life from scratch and be the captain of your journey!”
Game is On
Limited Edition on Canvas
Five players are gathered at the gaming table. They are the mightiest rulers of the World, and most faces are way too familiar – Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel and Xi Jinping…. but we can’t seem to decipher the fifth Player, the double mask… can you? Is he the strongest of them all with the longest strings? Is he from the future? What kind of voodoo game of chess they are playing with the figurines that look more like human beings? The hands of the players are mixed and crossed and are holding marionettes strings. The Rulers have their masks and their roles as they play while the floor of the game gets twisted by the powers of the players and gets warped with the visual deceptions and distortions of the Globe.
Music of the Universe
Limited Edition on Canvas
Story:All characters are frozen in place encompassed by listening to the music of the Universe. The sculpture has many eyes on its head, and this suggests that even the most stone-hearted character could get melted once they truly hear this music.
Artist says: “We are all different with our habits, appearances, and standings in life, however, the one thing we all have in common is the ability to hear the music of the universe and to recognize the language of our creator.”
Limited Edition on Canvas
A picture of the heavenly Temple. Each time the central Heroine flips a coin, a new soul is born. The rest of the characters are praying for their loved ones.
Limited Edition on Canvas
Are you a worrier of the past? Or the Artist? The past lives are remembered vividly by the Artist, and they meet each other at the medium of Reincarnation Temple. The painting is filled by the beautiful song as the strings of the violin are touched gently by the French Musician. His soft tune is amplified harmoniously as the Rabbi blows the shofar making the sounds both earthly and Divine. In the previous life the Artist commands the Jewish People to find the strengths within them in their pursuit of freedom. The Artist is free to fly among the souls of the angels and close to the giving hands of God who creates light. The love is also represented by both the earthly pleasures of the young secret lovers and the platonic admiration between the Army Doctor and his nurse. The Arabic girl, who was married away to the old rich sheikh, finds herself smitten by the Artist in the body of a handsome Boy but the story ends tragically when they both get discovered by the sheikh’s guards with unforgiving swords. The Monk Angelico from Italy is drawing a painting and the Alchemist is creating the healing elixir to fight the death yet all of them are mortal and gathered in front of the Tree of Life to transform via reincarnation.
The Tree Of Life
Limited Edition on Canvas
All events take place in Eden near the Tree of Knowledge which is depicted in the form of a large olive tree. The Artist shows the ball of Knowledge to the viewer, thereby sharing the wisdom.
“We are more than one and more than the eye can see….” Thus, the second image of the Girl who is leaving the scene, stepping away, but giving us her last glance…. She is the phantom of the Artist who left the body and becoming a separate being….
All elements – Air, Earth, Fire and Water are present and are base for the complexity of all matter and for creation of the nature. The energies to be added to the elements mix are – the Wisdom of the Owl, the Grace and Speed of the Horse and the Strength of the Lion.
And finally, the last symbol depicted is the Star of David in the form of a pond with the lit candles…
The Illusion of Time
Limited Edition on Canvas
The room that we see is outside of time and space. Time does not exist, and this painting depicts its illusion. The Artist has been studying Kabbalah for many years, and according to Kabbalah, the Almighty has 72 names. These 72 names are the names of the angels, and each name has its own special meaning. On the chalet, the Artist wrote 5 names of the Lord. The picture also shows movements with the help of the fabric that passes through space and leaves into space and with the help of the water that flows out of the picture.
The Artist says: “With this painting, I wanted to say that everything in life is possible as far as we can imagine, our most senseless illusion can come true, since we ourselves are progressives of our game”.
Artist Biography

Tatiana Denisova Biography
Tatiana Denisova was born in Minsk, Belarus. Before her birth her grandmother stated “If you don’t name your child after me, you are not my family!” There was no arguing with her so the girl was named so. Ever since she was a little girl she loved to draw and saw the world differently. While other kids would draw circles and butterflies, she would draw angels. Unfortunately her father did not support her interest in getting an art education, insisting that dentistry would be a better profession. Never the less her teachers came to her in her night dreams. They came in the forms of Michelangelo and Salvador Dali. Mysticism became a part of her life. Through this unseen world Tatiana wanted to pass on her teaching and express her vision. Each painting portrays a different tale.
At 9 years old she moved to Israel. During her first years there Tatiana was often sick not only in body but in spirit as well. In her dreams she saw the reason for her sickness. She went back to her art and all her troubles seemed to fade and she was well again. She understood that she could not live without art. At age 11 she had her first exhibition in Haifa, Israel during which she sold her first painting. After this she was featured in manty other exhibitions and galleries. Her dream was to become a master artist. When she was 18 she moved back home. Over time her works began to take on strong character and unique style. Her art draws you in, inviting you to dive inside the painting. In the following years she traveled the world in constant search of further inspiration. She found her place in Miami, Florida. Here she began to have followers and students and she began to practice sculpting as well. Her hope goal is to help humanity reach a new level of spiritual awakening through her art.

Masters Fine Art LLC.
4350 Oakes Road
Suite 515
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314
© Masters Fine Art LLC 2022