Hector Acevedo
A Summer Day
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 31.5×47.25″
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 39.37 x 78.74″
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 59×59″
Garden Of Oblivion
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 39.5×39.5″
Horse to the Wind
Bronze Sculpture
Size: 16.92H x 8.9W x 12.2D”
Horse’s Head
Bronze Sculpture
Size: 13.8H x 18.9w x 12.2D”
Bronze Sculpture
Size: 16.55H x 8.3W x9.06D”
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 24×30″
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 47X31.5″
Night Horses
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 39.4×39.4“
Protocolo del Minotauro
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 59×59″
Scarlet Horse
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 39.4×39.4“
Summer Dream
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 39.4×31.5″
The Persistence of Reason
Original Oil on Canvas
Size: 59×59“
Artist Biography
Hector Acevedo Biography
Seemingly more and more consumed with slaying gods, the painter Hector Acevedo morphs himself into a deity building his own imaginary universe. With its own iconography, colors, laws and geography. Although not brags of being consummating a Deicide of the prosaic reality, despite the evil that has been erecting in the world where time disappears buried by the magic of color, things take on a new face and, although they have real physiognomy certainly they inhabit an everlasting world, a personal utopia in which it has been sheltering over the years.
Even the author of the flesh, which previously shunned self-portraits, has tied up their belongings and have moved to live in his painting where his silhouette appears more frequently. Cataloging his painting in a “serious impoverish, surrealism, winged figurative, magical realism, are some we epithets that would serve to describe a plot of imaginary reality. His pictorial orb is characterized by the search for symbols that account traffic existential, with a gentleness, a certain minimalism in which his characters appearing in the microcosm of the box without stridency. I have a privileged witness of evolution (which looks more like a revolution), if no discretion to be a watchword of his work. Gradually, by a mastery that has been brewing with the passage of time and the vicissitudes of his own human condition, has erected a pictorial world that has a classic imprint, although not renounce account of the situation he has to live. What I always appreciated Hector painting is the artistic island to undertake a search that is now reaping achievements of exceptional quality. As generational companion, I am deeply identified with this work that I believe will continue to evolve relentlessly until highest aesthetic heights.
Personal exhibitions :
2008 Galería Langstaff. Bruselas Belgica
2006 Miradas Interiores. Casa de América Latina. Bruselas Bélgica.
2006 Entre el mito y la metáfora. Espace Amalgama. Bruselas Bélgica.
2005 Mundos Paralelos. Galería de arte Impomptu. Trujillo Perú.
2004 Mundos interiores. Club Colonial. Huanchaco Perú.
1998 Formas Primitivas. Galería Azur. Trujillo Perú
Selected group exhibitions :
2008 “Noche de arte 2008”. Puericultorio Pérez Araníbar. Lima
2008 Subasta de arte. La casa de la familia. Museo Pedro de Osma. Lima
2008 “Peinares Péruviens au Maroco”. Espace Expressions C D G. Rabat Marruecos.
2007 “Cazadores del arco iris “ Centro Cultural CAISA. Helsinki. Finlandia
2007 “Noche de Arte 2007” Museo de la Nación. Lima
2007 “Nouveaus regards sur la peinture peruvienne contemporaine”. Galerie Arts en Liberté,Alger, Argelia
2006 “ETNIA III“ 45 artistes ibéro-americains. Maison du Peuple-Volkshuis. Brussel. Belgique
2006 Herencia Contemporánea. Dresden. Alemania
2004 Hurgando en La Memoria. Galería Skimoarte. Madrid España.
2004 Lubricus II. exposición itinirante de desnudo. Casona Orbergoso. Trujillo.
2003 In-tensiones. Centro Cultural Peruano Americano. Arequipa.
2003 Lubricus I. exposición de desnudo. Casona Orbegoso. Trujillo.
2002 “El camino de los signos”. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Municipalidad del Cuzco Perú.
2002 “Visión del Sur. Pintura peruana contemporánea”. Arco de Santa María ayuntamiento de Burgos. España.
2002 “I Salón de Artes Visuales 2002”. Huanchaco- Trujillo.
2002 “VII Salón de Dibujo ICPNA”. Galería Pardo Heeren. Lima.
2001“Retratos, Mujer y sociedad”. Banco Continental. Casa de la Emancipación. Trujillo Perú.
2001 Concurso Nacional de Pintura ICPNA. Lima Perú.
2000 “VIII Concurso Nacional de Pintura Coca Cola”. Banco Wiese. Trujillo Perú.
1999 I Salón Pintura por los derechos de la mujer. Sala de exposiciones del Banco Wiese. Trujillo Perú
1999 “arteamerica 99” II Feria de Arte Latinoamericano. Madrid España.
1998 Entre el Pincel y el Cincel, Galería de Arte IMAGEN- Lima.
1998 “III Salón Nacional de Integración Plástica 98 Sala de exposiciones SERPOST – Huaraz. Perú.
1997 Seducción del Color y las Formas. Galería José Sabogal, INC Trujillo. Perú
1997 I Salón Trujillo 97 Arte Contemporáneo. Casa Taller Oscar Allain, Trujillo. Perú.
1996 El Color del Perú. Museo de las Américas, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico.
1994 Cinco Versiones. Galería ICPNA, Trujillo Perú
1994 Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas ASPAP 94. Museo de la Nación, Lima Perú
1993 Visiones Puras. Galería EXTEBANDES, Trujillo Perú.
1992 VI Salón de Verano Ancón 92. Galería Borkas, Ancón, Lima Perú.
1992 II Salón de Pintura Contemporánea Latinoamericana. Loja, Ecuador.
1991 V Encuentro del Color y la Forma. Casa del Artista, Trujillo Perú.
1991 Concurso Nacional de Artistas Jóvenes 91. Organiza: Southern Perú y el ICPNA de Arequipa, Arequipa Perú.
1990 Dibujo 90. Asociación Peruana de Artistas Plásticos, Lima Perú
1990 Desnudos en el Arte 90. Asociación Peruana de Artistas Plásticos, Lima.
1989 Salón Anual de Alumnos de la ENSABAP, Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes del Lima.
1989 Arte Contemporáneo del Perú 89. Casa de Lima, Lima Perú.
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